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Chống sét lan truyền- chong set lan truyen

Có 14 sản phẩm.

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Các bộ lọc có hiệu lực

OBV1-D20/4P, OBV1-D20,...


Product Description
OBV1-D20 series Surge Protection Device (SPD, also called surge suppressor, surge arrester) is used for TN-S, TN-C-S, TT, IT etc. power supply system of AC 50/60Hz, <440V, connecting the interfaces of  LPZ1, LPZ2 and LPZ3. The design satifies the standard of  IEC61643-1
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OBV1-C40/4P, OBV1-C40,...

Surge Protection Device OBV1-C40/4P In:20kA Imax:40kA

OBV1-C series Surge Protection Device (SPD, also called surge suppressor, surge arrester) is used for TN-S, TN-C-S, TT, IT etc. power supply system of AC 50/60Hz, <440V, connecting the interfaces of  LPZ1, LPZ2 and LPZ3. The design satisfies the standard of IEC61643-1, GB18802.1

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OBV1-C40 (3+NPE), OBV1-C40,...

Surge Protection Device OBV1-C40 (3+NPE) In:20kA Imax:40kA

OBV1-C series Surge Protection Device (SPD, also called surge suppressor, surge arrester) is used for TN-S, TN-C-S, TT, IT etc. power supply system of AC 50/60Hz, <440V, connecting the interfaces of  LPZ1, LPZ2 and LPZ3. The design satisfies the standard of IEC61643-1, GB18802.1

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Chống sét pin mặt trời,...

Surge Protection for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System

Lightning and Surge Protection for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System, Lightning and Surge Protection for PV System, Surge Protection for Solar PV

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OBV1-B60, OBV1-B60/4P,...

Surge Protection Device OBV1-B60/4P

Surge Suppressor OBV1-B60/4P In:30kA Imax:60kA

Surge Protection, Lightning Protection, Surge Protection Device, Surge Suppressor, Surge Arrester, Surge Protective Device, Surge Protector, Lightning Solution, China Surge Protection Device Manufacturer, China Surge Arrester Supplier

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OBV4-60, OBV4-80, OBV4-100,...

Surge Suppressor OBV4 In:40kA Imax:80kA

OBV4 series Surge Protection Device (SPD, also called surge suppressor, surge arrester) is used for TN-S, TN-C-S, TT, IT etc. power supply system of AC 50/60Hz, <380V, connecting the interfaces of  LPZOA, LPZOB and LPZ1 to prevent the thunder shock from the electric network. The design satisfies the standard of IEC61643-1, GB18802.1

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OBV5-B, OBV5-C, chống sét...

Surge Suppression OBV5 In:20kA Imax:40kA

Surge Protection, Lightning Protection, Surge Protection Device, Surge Suppressor, Surge Arrester, Surge Protective Device, Surge Protector, Lightning Solution, China Surge Protection Device Manufacturer, China Surge Arrester Supplier

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OBV6, chống sét cấp 2, cắt...

Surge Arresterr OBV6 In:20kA Imax:40kA

Surge Protection, Lightning Protection, Surge Protection Device, Surge Suppressor, Surge Arrester, Surge Protective Device, Surge Protector, Lightning Solution, China Surge Protection Device Manufacturer, China Surge Arrester Supplier

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OBV7-60, OBV7-80, OBV7-100,...

Surge Protection, Lightning Protection, Surge Protection Device, Surge Suppressor, Surge Arrester, Surge Protective Device, Surge Protector, Lightning Solution, China Surge Protection Device Manufacturer, China Surge Arrester Supplier

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OBV8-100, OBV8-120, chống...


OBV8 series surge protector devices is applicable to AC 50~60Hz, 380V and TT, TN etc. power supply system.
It is also widely used for all kinds of power supply Second class(B class) for over voltage protectio. Generally, it is
installed in low voltage main distribution box or low voltage main switch box of buildings.


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OBV10-B25, chống sét cấp 1,...

OBV10-A25 series surge protector devices is used for AC50~60Hz, 380V and TT,TN etc. power supply
system. it is also widely applicable to all kinds of power supply Second class(A class) for over voltage protection.
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OBV10-B50, chống sét cấp 1,...

OBV10-50 series surge protector devices is applicable to AC 50~60Hz, 380V and below TT and TN etc. power supply
system. Also it is widely used for all kinds of power supply Second class(A class) for over voltage protection.
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